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Ever wondered who actually reads a CPQ blog?

Is it the tech-obsessed, the spreadsheet warriors, or the folks who just really love a good pricing model?

Spoiler alert: it's usually manufacturers – the heroes of complexity. They’re the ones juggling custom truck bodies, industrial lasers, and enough product configurations to make your head spin.

But the real question isn’t who reads a CPQ blog, it’s why they do. Why are companies that make everything from food processing equipment to marine propulsion systems so hooked on CPQ?

Grab a seat and a smile, because we're diving into the chaos — and the life lessons — behind their obsession. Let me share some insights...

Trucks, but Make Them Custom

Let’s start with the folks who build truck bodies. No, not the ones that haul groceries home — we’re talking full-blown, customizable workhorses on wheels. The thing is, every truck buyer wants something different: “Can I get a bigger bed? How about extra storage? Oh, and throw in a snack compartment for my dog.”

Life lesson: Just like configuring a truck, life is about customizing to meet different needs. Flexibility is key, but efficiency matters. You can either try to do everything yourself, or you can use a system (or habit) to streamline your life. Let CPQ be your reminder that there’s always a better way to handle complexity.

Steel Machines: Not Just for Superheroes

Next, we have companies that manufacture automated machinery for steel processing. Let’s just say it’s not as simple as pressing a button and getting steel pancakes. These machines come with more customization options than a video game character creator. You want extra sensors? Sure. A third arm that rotates counterclockwise? Why not?

Life lesson: Whether it’s your business or personal life, the more options you have, the easier it is to get overwhelmed. Sometimes you need to focus on what’s really important and cut through the clutter — just like a CPQ system helps you do with those countless configuration options.

Marine Magic and Energy Experts

Now, imagine being a company that makes both marine propulsion systems and energy solutions. One minute, you're helping build a ship that could rival a pirate fleet, and the next, you're optimizing energy systems for power plants. Not exactly a one-size-fits-all operation.

Life lesson: Life doesn’t always hand you the same type of problem twice in a row. Sometimes you're navigating uncharted waters (literally), and other times you're optimizing what you already know. A good system, like CPQ, helps you switch gears without losing focus. The lesson? Be adaptable, but always have a strategy.

Lasers and Sheet Metal – A Combo Made in CPQ Heaven

If you’re in the business of making machinery and industrial lasers for cutting sheet metal, congratulations! You’ve reached peak complexity. These manufacturers face a daily battle of quoting systems that are anything but simple. "Want an extra laser? Sure. A special configuration to cut star shapes into metal sheets? Why not?"

Life lesson: Every problem can seem complicated until you find the right tool to solve it. Whether you’re figuring out how to price custom lasers or managing your daily tasks, you need systems that take complexity and turn it into something manageable. Don’t waste time reinventing the wheel — find tools that work.

Custom Electrical Equipment: Because No Two Projects Are the Same

Electrical equipment sounds straightforward until you realize every project requires a slightly different setup. Need a different voltage? Done. Want more bells and whistles on that circuit board? Easy. Now, try quoting it all accurately while juggling a dozen customization options.

Life lesson: In both life and business, we’re often trying to plug into different systems and make them work for us. The trick is to stay grounded — literally, if you’re dealing with electrical equipment — and figuratively, if you’re navigating life’s challenges. CPQ shows us that getting the details right early can save a lot of headaches later.

Food Processing Equipment: Less About Eating, More About CPQ-ing

Food processing equipment doesn’t sound glamorous, but try telling that to the person who has to design a custom system for a company that processes everything from chicken nuggets to plant-based burgers. The sheer variety of configurations makes a CPQ system a must.

Life lesson: Life is full of variety, and sometimes you just have to handle whatever gets thrown at you — be it soy burgers or steak. The key is to stay organized and keep track of the details, because things can get messy if you don’t. Just like a CPQ system keeps everything in check, your routines can do the same for you.

Pneumatic Components: Blowing Up the Quoting Process

Pneumatic components may not get the spotlight in Hollywood blockbusters, but they sure do in manufacturing. Whether you need high pressure, low pressure, or something in between, the product combinations are dizzying. Enter CPQ, which helps these manufacturers keep the quoting process under control.

Life lesson: Like pneumatic components, life’s pressure can vary. Sometimes you need to crank it up, sometimes you need to ease off. The lesson? Find the right balance and don’t try to do everything at full throttle. A little bit of planning (or a great CPQ system) can keep you from exploding under the pressure.

Marine Propulsion – Sailing Through Configurations

Building propulsion systems for marine vessels sounds cool until you realize it involves handling a range of highly technical specs. Every ship is different, and each requires propulsion options that would make even the savviest captain scratch his head.

Life lesson: Navigating life can feel like steering a ship through unpredictable waters. You won’t always know where the next wave will come from, but if you have a reliable system (or a great crew), you’ll be able to stay on course. Let CPQ remind you that even in the most complicated situations, there’s always a way forward.

Pump Up the Complexity

And then there are the manufacturers of pumping systems. These systems don’t just move water, oil, or chemicals; they move through a labyrinth of customizations. Whether it’s adding a specific type of valve or changing the material for the pump casing, a CPQ system ensures all those moving parts are accounted for.

Life lesson: Life, like a pump, has a lot of moving parts. The more components you add, the more complicated things get. But with the right approach (or a CPQ system), you can keep everything flowing smoothly. The takeaway? Don’t get bogged down in the details — let the right tools do the heavy lifting.

So, Who’s Reading CPQ Blogs?

You guessed it: manufacturers who live and breathe complexity. They come from industries where customization is king, and quoting accurately is the difference between landing a sale and losing a customer. They deal with trucks, steel, lasers, food processing, marine engines, and everything in between.

Life lesson: Whether you’re configuring trucks or just trying to get through the day, one thing is clear — life is full of moving parts. The trick is finding the tools that help you manage them. And hey, if manufacturers can do it with a CPQ system, maybe you can do it with a better to-do list.


Want to simplify your own processes? Check out our CPQ solutions for manufacturers or grab a virtual coffee with us at this link — we’re here to help you keep things flowing, one configuration at a time.

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